Samanta Batra Mehta and Nirupa Rao in Conversation From Isolation

Samanta Batra Mehta and Nirupa Rao in Conversation From Isolation

Samanta Batra Mehta and Nirupa Rao approach their artistic practice very differently, each with a unique voice and creative process. The work of both artists, however, is rooted in a love for botany. New York City-based Samanta works with illustration, text and photography to create multi-layered, mixed-media installations that draw connections between the environment and the human condition. Nirupa's botanical illustrations are inspired by her regular field visits into the wild–the most recent of which was to the forests of the Western Ghats. The Bangalore-based artist collaborates closely with botanists to achieve scientific accuracy.

Monsoon Malabar connected with Samantha and Nirupa via email to discuss their varied inspirations, love of books and how covid has changed the way they work in their respective cities.

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8 Art Professionals on How They're Adapting to Isolation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

8 Art Professionals on How They're Adapting to Isolation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

When people are confined to their homes, and the machine of the global economy comes to all but a screeching halt, art becomes a rare form of solace. Art also becomes a means of sharing experiences—the pandemic does not affect us all equally. Art reminds those who are lucky enough to have homes to be quarantined in, to remain employed and be financially stable—that there are many who are less fortunate. Art allows communities to engage with the world at large—it allows people a window into a world they would otherwise have no access to.

Monsoon Malabar reached out to art professionals from India and overseas, to discuss how the pandemic has influenced, affected, or changed their work—and what they believe the future holds for the world of art.

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